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Enjoy Timeless Comfort and Style with Flexform Sofas

Flexform is an Italian furniture brand renowned for its high-quality sofas that blend contemporary design with timeless elegance. With a rich heritage spanning over half a century, Flexform has become synonymous with comfort, craftsmanship, and exceptional attention to detail. Each Flexform sofa is meticulously crafted to offer the perfect balance of aesthetics and functionality, making it a coveted addition to any living space.

At Design Consigned, our team of professionals help you find the furniture piece you want and assist consigners in marketing and selling their design. Our priority is to ensure everyone has access to the best pre-owned and ex display designs from across Australia, at the lowest prices.

Why Flexform Sofas Stand Out as the Perfect Addition to Your Property

Design & Features

Flexform sofas are characterised by their sleek and contemporary design, carefully curated to complement various interior styles. From modern and minimalist to classic and eclectic. These sofas often feature clean silhouettes, plush cushions, and premium upholstery, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and exceptional comfort.

Materials & Craftsmanship

Flexform places great emphasis on using only the finest materials and employing skilled artisans to handcraft their sofas. Premium fabrics, such as luxurious leathers and soft velvets, adorn the sofas, enhancing their visual appeal and tactile comfort. The brand's commitment to impeccable craftsmanship ensures that every Flexform sofa is built to last, standing the test of time.

Comfort & Ergonomics

The brand meticulously engineers each sofa, considering factors like seat height, cushion density, and lumbar support to provide the utmost relaxation. Whether you prefer sinking into a deep seat or enjoying firm support, Flexform offers a range of options tailored to individual preferences.


In an era of growing environmental consciousness, Flexform is committed to sustainability. The brand meticulously sources materials from certified suppliers, prioritising eco-friendly alternatives. Furthermore, their manufacturing processes prioritise energy efficiency and waste reduction. By choosing a Flexform sofa from Design Consigned, you not only bring elegance into your home but also contribute to a greener future.

Maintain the Charm of Your Flexform Sofas

To ensure the longevity of your Flexform sofa, proper care and maintenance are essential. Regularly vacuuming the upholstery and promptly attending to spills can help keep your sofa looking pristine. It's also advisable to rotate cushions periodically and avoid placing the sofa in direct sunlight to prevent fabric fading. For specific care instructions, always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines provided with your sofa.

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